Saturday, March 26, 2005

Daughter of My Daughters

Last night I sat up late with my daughters. The laughter was good. Storytelling was in the air. One of my sons-in-law heard there was coffee and stayed for the chat. We were too tired to stay up and too tired make the effort it takes to go to bed. I embarrassed them with my childishness. They surprised me with their wisdom, compassion, generosity and wit. What a delight then to open this morning to read a description of our relationship:

But a mother can also become the daughter of her daughter and a father the son of his son. A mother can become the daughter of her son and a father the son of his daughter. Father and mother become brother and sister of their own children, and they all can become friends. It doesn't happen often, but when it does happen it is as beautiful to watch as the dawn of a new day.


anj said...

Wow - I love reading about this in your family. In the buzzwords of the day, true mutuality, true equality, the ability to follow the flow of the Spirit as she guides. Connie - your experiences with adult children give me hope and comfort as I walk with my own sons into adulthood. Surely this is living in the unforced rhythmns of grace.It is beautiful to read about too.

Anonymous said...

I really like this concept, there is such a disconnect between so many parents and kids because they want all the information sharing to go one way- from them to their kids.